hello dear, hope you a good health.
I will present to you today a recipe to eliminate wrinkles.
Recipe tested against wrinkles ,easy and effective.
We need :
- 10 mashed dates without nucleus.
- Egg yolk.
- Spoonful of honey bees.
Mix well and put the mask on the face for 10 minutes.
Wash with cold water and repeat the process twice a week.
Used at night to lack of exposure to the sun.
hello dear.How are you ? i Hope you are fine.
I will present to you today a great recipe to moisturize and nourish the skin.
Recipe moisturize and nourish the skin easy to prepare and effective, based on bananas and honey.
Honey works to lighten and clean the pores of the skin, and bananas works to hydrate the skin and resist the appearance of wrinkles.
We need two tablespoons of pureed banana, and a tablespoon of honey.
Method :
Mix the pureed banana and honey until they mix well,Then Spread the mixture on the face and leave for a quarter of an hour. Wash the face with lukewarm water well.
I wish you good health.