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Have you asked yourself one day about the benefits of honey bees, no doubt this question very important and it is necessary to know the answer. I appreciate your attitude!! For the few who cares in wonderful area. Without preliminaries, let me show you the benefits of honey bees.

Did you know dear to one kilo of honey Parallels 3 kilos of meat and 12 kg of vegetables and 5 kg of milk. Have you been surprised!!!

- Contribute in the treatment of digestive disorders and increase bowel activity.
    - Negates the effect of excess acidity in the stomach, prevents injury to stomach ulcers.
-Anti bacteria and germs and fungi.
- Honey works to cure heart disease and strengthen heart muscle.
- Treatment of weak structure and anemia.
- Alleviate insomnia and sleep quiet helps rapid.
- The treatment of rheumatism and arthritis.
- Ed resistance and infertility.
- Works to soften the skin of women and remove the altgaad.

Yes dear. These some of the benefits of honey, but you won't believe what will you honey for health free of disease, only continued me and you will see the results seriously.

